Selasa, 29 November 2011

Sepatu Kaca Cinderella September 19, 2006

Posted by in Uncategorized.
Tidak ada yang tidak tahu Cinderella. Cerita dongeng klasik yang selalu diperdengarkan dari masa ke masa. Puluhan film dibuat oleh produser yang berbeda, walaupun kadang versinya lain-lain. Tapi, intinya tetap sama. Kebaikan akan menang. Puteri Cinderella yang baik hati, akhirnya hidup bahagia selamanya. Benarkah begitu? Saya tidak setuju.
Cinderella memang cerita yang sederhana. Bahkan cenderung klise. Bagaimana tidak? Menurut saya, Cinderella itu mbahnya dongeng anak-anak. Bahkan ternyata, tidak hanya dongeng anak-anak. Cinderella adalah mbahnya telenovela dan sinetron-sinetron Indonesia. Anda nggak percaya? Coba perhatikan, berapa banyak cerita Latin dan Indonesia yang temanya mirip? Perempuan muda yang miskin, menderita, baik hati, dan tentu saja cantik, akhirnya hidup bahagia selamanya. Tentu saja setelah mengalahkan sang musuh besar yang jahat, yang ingin merebut kekasihnya. Bahkan, cerita-cerita (sok) Islami juga memakai tema ini. Tapi, apa definisi hidup bahagia menurut cerita-cerita itu? Ternyata hidup bahagia artinya punya uang banyak, kekuasaan yang besar, serta suami yang tampan dan baik hati. Itulah definisi hidup bahagia menurut Cinderella.
Nah, sekarang bagaimana anda bisa menilai cerita itu sebagai cerita yang baik? Cerita anak-anak yang layak untuk dinikmati? Jangan tertipu, ini adalah cerita perusak anak-anak yang paling terkenal! Jangan tertipu dengan kata-kata “baik”, karena ganjaran orang baik hanyalah materi. Cerita ini tidak mengajarkan menjadi orang baik, melainkan mengajarkan orang menjadi materialistis. Intinya, orang baik layak dapat harta yang banyak, kekuasaan yang besar, serta suami yang baik dan tampan. Ini adalah cerita yang mendidik anak-anak kita menjadi materialistis dan kapitalistis. Jadi, mulai sekarang, jauhkan anak-anak anda dari cerita Cinderella dan sejenisnya.
Tapi, ternyata tidak selamanya seperti itu. Jika cerita-cerita epigonnya sudah pasti mengajarkan hal yang buruk, tidak demikian dengan Cinderella itu sendiri. Ini bukan berarti kita kemudian membolehkan anak-anak untuk melihatnya, bukan begitu. Makna dari cerita ini agak dalam, jadi tidak mungkin anak-anak bisa melihat behind the story. Saya berpikir seperti itu gara-gara teman saya bercerita tentang meaning of meaning. Yah, sebuah karya sastra memang mempunyai meaning of meaning. Begitu pula dengan cerita ini. Tentu saja, meaning of meaning itu menurut penafsiran saya. Hehehe … .
Coba kita ingat kembali cerita ini. Apa kunci perubahan nasib Cinderella? Paling tidak, ada tiga hal yang membuatnya “hidup bahagia selamanya”. Pertama, peri. Peri yang entah darimana asalnya membuat Cinderella bisa datang ke pesta dansa. Yang kedua, tentu saja kecantikan Cinderella. Kalau dia tidak cantik, bagaimana pangeran bisa jatuh hati padanya dan mencari-carinya? Yang ketiga, pemujaan pangeran terhadap kecantikan, membuatnya mencari sang primadona pesta ke seluruh negeri. Ketika bertemu, dia tidak peduli Cinderella miskin, yang penting cantik. Jadi, tentang apa ini semua? Ini adalah tentang seorang wanita miskin yang berpikir uang adalah segala-galanya, dan tentang seorang pria kaya yang berpikir wanita cantik adalah segala-galanya. Kata-kata “baik” hanyalah tempelan.
Tapi, tentu saja semua itu sudah kita tahu. Namun ada hal istimewa dalam cerita ini, yaitu sepatu kaca. Karena sepatu kacalah, segala impian itu bisa terwujud. Karena sepatu kaca, segala penderitaan itu lenyap. Tapi, tidakkah anda melihat ada yang aneh di sini. Di antara segala sihir peri, hanya sepatu kaca yang tidak berubah. Pakaian Cinderella berubah menjadi rombeng. Kereta berubah menjadi labu. Kusir dan kuda berubah menjadi kadal dan tikus. Tapi, sepatu kaca Cinderella tidak berubah menjadi sepatu kain tambal-tambalan. Ini menyatakan, satu-satunya yang nyata dari seluruh ilusi sihir itu adalah sepatu kaca. Seolah-olah penyihir ingin menyatakan, sihirku hanya sebatas sepatu kaca. Nah, itulah makna sebenarnya dari cerita Cinderella.
Tahukah anda seperti apa sepatu kaca? Pernah memakai sepatu kaca? Bagaimana mungkin, ketika dikatakan, sepatu kacanya tertinggal ketika Cinderella berlari, tapi tidak pecah? Bagaimana mungkin, ketika Cinderella berdansa dengan pangeran sepatu itu tidak pecah. Itu kaca lho. Pake hak tinggi lagi. Memangnya Cinderella seringan bulu? Itulah arti cerita ini. Segala hal yang bersifat materi, hanyalah serapuh sepatu kaca. Anda berpijak padanya, tentu saja akan pecah. Tapi, sepatu kaca yang tidak pecah hanya ada di dalam cerita Cinderella. Materi yang bisa membuat seseorang hidup bahagia selamanya, hanyalah Cinderella. Jangan gantungkan hidup anda pada materi, karena semuanya itu sangat rapuh. Saya pikir, inilah yang selama ini ingin disampaikan pengarangnya. Bukan pangerannya, bukan perinya, tapi sepatu kaca. Janganlah hidup memakai sepatu kaca. Janganlah hidup hanya mementingkan hal-hal duniawi saja.

Sabtu, 3 Oktober 2009


Pada zaman dahulu ada seorang gadis yang sangat cantik. Ibunya telah meninggal dunia. Tidak berapa lama selepas kematian ibunya itu, ayahnya berkahwin dengan seorang janda yang mempunyai dua orang anak. Ibu tirinya itu sangat garang. Begitu juga dengan kedua orang kakak tirinya. Ayahnya pula selalu keluar bandar untuk berdagang.
Setiap hari dia diperintah oleh ibu tiri dan kedua orang kakak tirinya supaya membuat kerja rumah. Cinderella merasa amat sedih mengenangkan nasib yang melanda dirinya. Tiada tempat untuknya mengadu.
Wajahnya yang cantik itu menjadi comot kerana terlalu banyak membuat kerja dan tidak sempat hendak mengemaskan dirinya. Sedangkan kedua orang kakak tirinya itu hanya tahu bersolek, berpakaian cantik dan berjalan-jalan. Kerana pakaian dan wajahnya yang sentiasa comot itu, kedua orang kakaknya menggelar dia Cinderella.

Pada suatu hari putera raja telah membuat pengumuman akan mengadakan majlis tari-menari di istana. Semua gadis di dalam negeri itu dijemput menghadiri majlis tersebut. Kedua orang kakak tiri Cinderella yang hodoh itu mengambil keputusan hendak menyertai majlis itu.

Oleh kerana mereka tiada baju yang cantik, ibu tiri mereka mengarahkan Cinderella menjahit baju baru untuk kedua-dua orang kakak tirinya itu. Kedua-dua helai baju kakaknya itu dijahit oleh Cinderella. Setelah baju itu siap, kedua kakaknya saling bertekak mengatakan dia yang paling cantik.

“Aku akan memakai baju baldu berwarna merah dengan manik-manik yang cantik. Aku juga akan memakai rantai mutiara yang berwarna putih. Tentu aku kelihatan cantik.”

“Baju aku lebih cantik dari baju engkau!” kata kakak kirinya yang kedua. “Bajuku dipenuhi dengan labuci dan manik. Rantai leherku zamrud berwarna hijau. Sudah tentu aku lebih cantik daripada kau dan dapat menawan hati putera raja!”. “Kau tak akan dapat berkahwin dengan putera raja,” kata kakak tirinya itu sambil tertawa kepada Cinderella.

Cinderella merasa sedih mendengar kata-kata kakak tirinya itu. Kedua orang kakak tirinya itu tergesa-gesa pergi sambil terus sambil mentertawakan Cinderella. Setelah kedua orang kakak dan ibu tirinya pergi Cinderella duduk sendirian di dapur. Dia menangis mengenang nasibnya yang malang. Tiba-tiba dia terkejut kerana melihat sebutir cahaya berkelip-kelip tidak jauh darinya. Dari cahaya yang semakin membesar itu keluar seorang pari-pari yang cantik.

“Siapakah kau? Dari manakah kau datang?” tanya Cinderella sambil mengesat air matanya.

"Aku adalah pari-pari pengasuh kau,” jawab pari-pari yang cantik itu. “Sekarang beritahu aku adakah kau ingin pergi ke majlis putera raja di istana?”

“Ya, aku sangat ingin pergi ke majlis tu,” jawab Cinderella. Aku ingin bertemu dengan putera raja.”

“Aku boleh tunaikan permintaan kau itu,” jawab pari-pari itu lagi. Tapi ada syarat-syaratnya. Kau harus buat apa yang aku suruh.”

“Baiklah,” jawab Cinderella bersetuju.

“Mula-mula pergi ke kebun dan ambil buah labu yang palihg besar,” kata pari-pari itu. Cinderella terus berlari masuk ke dalam kebun lalu mengambil labu yang paling besar. Dia segera membawa labu itu masuk ke dalam taman. Pari-pari itu menyentuh labu itu dengan tongkat sakti. Tiba-tiba sesuatu yang ajaib pun berlaku. Labu itu menjadi kereta kuda yang cantik dan besar. Didalamnya terdapat kerusi baldu yang cantik, dihiasi langsir yang bewarna keemasan.

Cinderella memandang kereta kuda itu dengan rasa takjub dan kagum.

“Sekarang, bawakan aku enam ekor tikus,” kata pari-pari itu lagi. Cinderella segera masuk ke dapur. Dia mencari dibawah dapur dan dibelakang pintu. Tidak lama kemudian dia pun membawa enam ekor tikus di depan pari-pari itu. Tikus itu telah ditukarkan oleh pari-pari menjadi enam ekor kuda yang akan menarik kereta kuda itu.

“Kita telah memiliki kereta kuda untuk membawa kau ke istana. Sekarang aku perlukan seekor lagi tikus untuk menjadi pengiring dan pembantu kereta kuda.” Cinderella masuk ke dapur untuk mencari seekor lagi tikus. Setelah dia dapat menangkap tikus itu dengan segera diserahkannya tikus itu kepada pari-pari itu.

Kini kereta kuda itu telah lengkap dengan pemandunya yang berpakaian kemas dan cantik. “Sekarang kau boleh pergi ke majlis itu dan menemui putera raja!” kata pari-pari.

“Tapi bagaimana? Aku tidak boleh masuk ke dalam istana. Pakaianku buruk dan compang-camping. Tentu pengawal istana akan menghalau aku keluar.”

Pari-pari itu menyentuh Cinderella dengan tongkat saktinya. Serta-merta bajunya bertukar menjadi cantik. Rambut dan mukanya juga cantik berseri. “Dan inilah pemberian yang terakhir,” kata pari-pari itu lalu menyerahkan sepasang kasut emas yang cantik yang tidak pernah dibayangkan oleh Cinderella selama ini.

Cinderella merasa sangat gembira. Dia lalu memeluk pari-pari itu. Bila dia melangkah masuk ke dalam kereta kuda, pari-pari itu berpesan kepadanya. “Berjanjilah, kau akan pulang sebelum pukul dua belas tengah malam, anakku. Kerana di saat itu semuanya akan kembali kepada asalnya.”

Cinderella berjanji akan pulang sebelum dua belas tengah malam. Kereta itu dengan pantas berlari menuju ke istana. Apabila dia sampai didepan pintu istana, pengawal dengan hormat menyambut ketibaannya. Dia diiringi ke dewan istana. Di situ majlis tarian telah dimulakan. Semua orang yang berada di dewan itu memandang ke arahnya. Mereka sangat hairan melihat seorang gadis yang sangat cantik. Kedua orang kakak tirinya juga kehairanan.

Putera raja datang kepadanya lalu memimpin tangannya. Putera raja mengajaknya menari. Mereka menari sepanjang malam. Putera raja hanya mahu menari dengan Cinderella. Putera itu sangat tertarik dengan Cinderella. Tiada sesiapa di situ kenal padanya dan mereka semuanya merasa hairan dan kagum.

Raja dan permaisuri yang berada di atas singgahsana merasa kagum melihat kecantikan Cinderella. Cinderella pula hampir lupa pada dirinya dan janjinya pada pari-pari itu.

Cinderella terkejut bila menyedari setengah jam lagi menunjukkan pukul dua belas tengah malam. Dia mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada putera raja dan meninggalkan istana. Sebaik sahaja dia sampai di rumah jam telah menunjukkan pukul dua belas tengah malam.

Setelah berehat dari kepenatan Cinderella mendapati kedua kakak tirinya pun pulang. Mereka asyik bercerita mengenai puteri yang sangat cantik yang tidak dikenali itu. “Putera raja telah jatuh hati kepadanya,” kata kakak tirinya yang tua. “Putera raja sanggup berbuat apa sahaja untuk mengetahui namanya dan di mana dia tinggal.”

Cinderella tersenyum mendengar kata-kata kedua orang kakak tirinya yang hodoh itu. “Adakah dia benar-benar kelihatan cantik?” tanya Cinderella. “Betapa beruntungnya kakak dapat melihat puteri itu.”

Cinderella tidak berkecil hati kerana dia akan pergi menemui putera itu pada malam esoknya. Pada keesokan harinya kedua orang kakak tirinya sibuk bersiap-siap hendak pergi ke istana. Pari-pari pengasuh Cinderella sampai sebaik sahaja kedua orang kakak tirinya itu pergi ke istana. Dia menggunakan tongkat saktinya lalu menukarkan pakaian Cinderella lebih cantik dari malam pertama.

Putera raja ternyata telah jatuh cinta pada Cinderella. Dia menunggu dan menyambut kedatangan Cinderella di depan pintu istana.

Cinderella hampir lupa pada dirinya kerana terlalu gembira. Dia tidak pernah merasa bahagia seperti itu sebelum ini. Masa berlalu dengan cepat tidak disedarinya waktu sudah pun dua belas tengah malam. Dia terkejut dan segera berlari pulang.

Cinderella takut pakaian cantik akan bertukar menjadi buruk dan kereta kudanya bertukar menjadi tikus kembali. Dia berlari keluar dan mendapati kereta kudanya telah bertukar. Cinderella berlari pulang dengan termengah-mengah.

Putera itu mengejar Cinderella dari belakang. Ketika menuruni tangga, kasut emas Cinderella telah tercabut. Tapi Cinderella tidak menyedarinya. Putera raja mengambil kasut itu. Bila kakak tirinya pulang ke rumah mereka sibuk bercerita. Putera jelita itu telah tertinggal kasut emasnya di istana dan ditemui oleh putera raja.

Pada awal pagi esoknya raja membuat pengumuman. Gadis yang mempunyai kaki yang sesuai dengan saiz kasut emas itu akan dijadikan isteri puteranya. Dia telah memerintahkan pengawalnya membawa kasut itu ke semua rumah di negeri itu untuk dicuba. Tapi tidak seorangpun yang dapat memakainya. Akhirnya pengawal istana itu tiba di rumah Cinderella.

Kedua-dua orang kakak tiri Cinderella sangat gembira hendak mencuba. Bila dia cuba memakai kasut itu dia menjadi marah. “Kenapa tidak muat?” kata kakak tirinya yang pertama. “Kaki aku kelihatan kecil sahaja!” rungutnya.

“Biar aku cuba,” kata kakak tirinya yang kedua. Bila kakak tirinya yang kedua memakainya, kasut itu jauh lebih besar hingga dia tidak boleh berjalan.

“Aku yakin kasut itu sesuai dengan aku tapi mengapa ia menjadi lebih besar dari kaki aku!”

“Adakah sesiapa lagi di dalam rumah ini yang hendak mencuba kasut ini?” tanya pengawal istana kepada kedua orang kakak tiri Cinderella. “Memang tidak ada sesiapa lagi,” jawab mereka.

Pengawal iatana itu terpandang Cinderella yang berada di situ. Hatinya berkata gadis itu cantik tapi pakaiannya compang-camping. Dia pun memanggil Cinderella untuk mencuba. Sebaik sahaja kasut itu tersarung dikakinya, ianya amat sesuai sekali membuat kedua orang kakak tirinya terkejut besar.

Disaat itu juga pari-pari muncul dihadapan mereka dengan tersenyum. Dia pun menyentuh Cinderella dengan tongkat saktinya lalu menukar pakaian Cinderella.

Kakak tiri Cinderella merasa marah dan cemburu. Pari-pari itu pun membawa dia ke kereta kuda yang sedia menanti.

Kereta kuda itu pun bergerak pergi menuju ke istana. Putera raja sangat gembira apabila akhirnya gadis kesayangannya ditemui. Keesokan harinya mereka pun berkahwin dan hidup aman damai.

Cinderella tidak pernah melupakan kedua orang kakak tirinya lalu mengajak mereka tinggal bersamanya di istana. Tidak berapa lama kemudian kedua orang kakak tirinya pun berkahwin dengan orang kaya. Mereka tidak lagi sombong dan hodoh. Lama-kelamaan mereka juga kelihatan cantik dan berbudi bahasa.

Pengajaran :

1. Buat baik dibalas baik.

2. Jangan mudah putus asa.

3. Keajaiban boleh berlaku kepada sesiapa sahaja.

7 Icons

 7 Icons Girlband Indonesia

7 Icons Girlband Indonesia is a group girlband from Indonesia.

Personnel "7 icons" includes seven beautiful girls, namely: Angela Tee, Grace Wohangara, Linzy, Mezty, Natly, PJ, dan Vanila

Group's seven starts this cute girl a lot in the know when they become stars in the series Go Go Girls. Song called "Playboy" sung 7 Icons make the name "Girlband" similar "SNSD" is increasingly popular.


S9B (Super 9 Boyz)

S9B (Super 9 Boyz)

This is a newcomer to Indonesia boyband Super 9 Boyz (S9B). Their first single is taken from the song "Last Ketchup - Asereje" entitled ACDC (Between Love and Stories). The plan clipnya the latest videos will soon be released.

S9B (Super 9 Boyz)

S9B (Super 9 Boyz) - ACDC Aha Ehe


2010 - Present

On the cover of KoreAm, August 2010
On February 25, 2010, JYP Entertainment announced that Park Jaebeom would not be returning to 2PM, as his contract with the company had been permanently terminated.[21] A fan meeting/press conference was held two days later with the 6 remaining members of 2PM and JYP Entertainment CEO Choi Jungwook in attendance, where it was announced that although 2PM would continue promoting as 6 members, a new leader would not be chosen to replace Park.
In mid-April 2010, 2PM released image and video teasers for their third single Don't Stop Can't Stop, for which the group promised to showcase an even stronger side of themselves than before.[22] The EP, containing six tracks, was released on April 19, 2010. The lead single, Without U, quickly rose to the #1 position on 6 different music charts.[23] The group made their television performance comeback on Mnet's music program M! Countdown on April 22, 2010.
2PM has been confirmed as the opening act for their label-mates, popular girl group Wonder Girls for 9 shows on the latter's United States headlining summer tour.[24] 2PM also performed at the 8th annual Korea Times Music Festival in Los Angeles, California on May 1, 2010, and at the Dream Concert in Seoul, South Korea on May 22, 2010.[25][26]
On May 24, 2010, 2PM released the song "What's Your Celebration?" for the FIFA 2010 World Cup.[27] The song samples K'Naan's Wavin' Flag.
On July 11, Taecyeon & Wooyoung left the position of MCs at SBS Inkigayo. And a while after, on August 2, Wooyoung also left Winwin to concentrated on 2PM's busy schedule. Then they have prepared so hard for their 1st concert in Seoul & Busan. The 1st concerts took place on July 31, August 1 (in Seoul) & August 7, 8 (in Busan) (2AM & missA were invited as the guests of the concert).
2PM's first concerts were ended successfully with the number of 12,000 people (not only are Korean, but also come from Japan, Taiwan, China & Thailand) attended each day. In these concerts, 2PM performed in turn all their hit-songs since 2008. Also, the members put their impressive solo performances on the stage; which attracted a lot attention. The concerts ended with the song "THANK YOU" written by 2PM. 2PM sent the messages to all fans, who always stand by them & support them no matter what. Towards these concerts, 2PM proved how they improved & how they passed through together with their fans, Hotttest. After the success of first concert, JYPE has informed that 2PM will have two encore concerts in Seoul on September 4 & 5 to celebrate their 2nd anniversary.
On October 11, 2010, 2PM released their fourth extended play, Still 2:00PM,[28] with the lead single "I'll Be Back" staying at number one for two consecutive weeks in the Music Bank.[29] On November 1, 2010, Still 2:00PM debuted unexpectedly on the 13th spot of the Billboard's World Album-Chart though no specific promotions for the album were made in the US.[30][31][32]
2PM was granted the “Most Popular Asian Singer” award at the Mandarin Music Honors 2010 in China. The boys attended the grand event on October 18th at Wukesong Arena; it was the tenth annual MMH, and was broadcasted on MTV and CCTV in China. Previously, Rain, Jang Nara, and Shin Seung Hoon have each taken home the “Year’s Best Korean Singer” award, but this is the first time a Korean artist has ever won the “Most Popular Asian Singer” award. To the delight of fans, boys performed “Heartbeat” and their new hit, “I’ll Be Back.” 2PM shared, “We are so happy to be at one of Asia’s biggest music award shows as Korea’s representative; we wanted to perform for all our Asian fans. We also won this award! We would appreciate more love and support in the future.”[33]
On March 6, 2011, it was announced that 2PM will release their Japanese Debut-Single "Take Off" on May 18, which was also featured as an Ending Song for the Blue Exorcist anime series.[34] Due to the major online pre-order of the limited version A, regular version and limited version B of the single, "Take Off" has ranked from No. 1 to 3, respectively, on the pre-order chart of Tower Records Japan.[35] It has also reached No.1 in the USEN's J-Pop Chart. 2PM is the first Korean band that has reached that spot in this particular chart.[36]
After 2PM's first venture to the Japanese music market, JYP Entertainment released a set of publicity photos of the band along the tracklist of their upcoming second studio album entitled "Hands Up" on June 12, 2011.[37] One day later, MTV Korea announced the release date of the album as June 20.[38]
On November 30, 2011, 2PM will release their first studio album in Japanese language. They have released three Japanese singles so far.

Korean Girl Band

Errr.... boy band. Behold the most popular trannies in Korea!

10 Girl Group Terpopuler Di Korea

10 Girl Group Terpopuler Di Korea
Korea memiliki jumlah girl group terbanyak dibandingkan negara lain. Nah diantara semuanya, girl group manakah yang paling populer di dunia? Inilah 10 list group girl korea yang paling populer berdasarkan poling-poling di internet.

#10 After School

Debut penampilan pertamanya terjadi pada 19 Desember 2008. Manajemennya mengakui bahwa konsep group ini diambil dari Pussycat Dolls. Hingga saat ini After School sudah merilis 4 buah singlenya ke pasaran. Pada tahun lalu, meraih penghargaan Best Newcomer Award dari Seoul Music Award

#9 Miss A

Awalnya group ini hanya beranggotakan 3 personil yang ketika itu secara tidak resmi fans menyebut mereka JYP Sisters. Personil Browned Eyed Girls sudah beberapa kali berganti. Diantaranya Hye Lim yang kini menjadi anggota Wonder Girls. Mendapatkan cukup banyak penghargaan. Yang terakhir sebagai Best Dance & Electronic Song pada 8th Korean Music Award.

#8 Browned Eyed Girls

Berdiri sejak 2006, dengan debut hit pertamanya "Come Closer". Meskipun masyarakat mengakui kemampuan mereka, namun album pertama mereka dikabarkan tidak terlalu sukses. Begitupula dengan albumnya yang kedua, dimana waktu rilisnya berdekatan dengan album Wonder Girls keluar.

#7 T-ara

Group yang saat ini dipimpin oleh Boram sempat dikritis negatif karena aksi lypsinc serta penampilannya yang mirip anak smp. Padahal ketika itu rata-rata usia personilnya di angka 19 tahun. Mengesampingkan kritis negatif kepada mereka, group ini memenangkan Best New Artist Award pada 19th Seoul Music Awards pada tahun 2010.

#6 f(x)

Group ini beranggotakan 5 personil yaitu Victoria, Amber, Luna, Sulli dan Krystal. Single perdananya "La Cha Ta"  mendapat sambutan cukup hangat. Semenjak tahun 2009 hingga sekarang 2011, mereka secara rutin mengeluarkan album setiap tahun. Albumnya yang terakhir, "Pinnochio" baru saja dirilis dalam format digital. Selain dibidang musik, mereka juga beberapa kali mendapatkan Award karena pilihan style busananya yang modis.

#5 Kara

Group ini memenangkan cukup banyak penghargaan dari korea hingga jepang. Berdiri sejak Maret 2007, Kara termasuk salah satu group yang sukses mendapat dukungan kuat dari para fansnya dan meneguhkan posisi mereka sebagai selebriti papan atas korea sekaligus jepang. Terakhir, mereka mendapatkan penghargaan terhormat, Content Industry Award dari kementrian kebudayaan dan pariwisata korea.

#4 Wonder Girls

Single mereka "Nobody" meluncurkan nama group ini ke papan atas selebriti korea. Bahkan single tersebut mampu menembus pasar Amerika! MTV juga memproduksi serial tentang mereka berjudul MTV Wonder Girls yang berlangsung hingga 4 season. Group ini bisa dibilang kenyang sama yang namanya Award. Pada tahun 2008 tak kurang dari 10 Award dilibas sama mereka.

#3 4minute

Group ini baru berdiri pada tahun 2009. Namun namanya segera mencuat setelah dirilisnya album mini mereka bertajuk "Hot Muzik". Pada agustus 2007 KBS pernah melarang diputarnya salah satu lagu milik mereka, Won't Give karena isinya yang dinilai terlalu vulgar dalam mengumbar hal seksual. Namun Cube entertainment membantahnya dengan mengatakan bahwa isi lagu itu tak lebih dari pengungkapan perasaan yang tulus seorang wanita kepada pria.


Udah pada nebak 'kan? Kalo yang satu ini, siapa sih yang nggak kenal? Video klip mereka, "Gee" hingga saat ini telah mencapa sebanyak hampir 40 juta hit di youtube! Waauw! SNSD yang merupakan kependekan dari kata So Nyuh Shi Dae atau sering juga disebut Girls Generation ini memang fenomenal, kemampuan menyanyi dan menari mereka mampu menyuburkan hadirnya para SONE (sebutan fans SNSD) di seluruh dunia. Di indonesia sendiri, pernah diadakan flash-mob di bandung beberapa waktu lalu oleh para SONE Indonesia. Mereka melakukan itu karena ingin SNSD bisa hadir di Indonesia.

Park Yoon Hwa youngest member of T-Max Profile

20:51 / Comments (0) / by Airlines Stewardess
Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa [박윤화] is a singer and vocalist of Korean Boyband T-Max. He is the youngest member of the group. But Park Yoon Hwa is leaving T-Max now as he is on army duty since 2010. Yoon Hwa will be replaced by Park Hanbi.

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa on Idol Maknae Rebellion

Park Yun Hwa will be on a new SBS show called Idol Maknae Rebellion. He will join the other idol group maknaes such as U-Kiss’ Dongho, FT Island’s Song Seunghyun, 2AM’s Jung Jinwoon, and Might Mouth’s Shorry J. The first episode will air on the 7th of November at 10pm KST.

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa leaves T-Max for the army

Having just welcomed a new member, Park Hanbi, T-Max will still be a 3-member group after it was revealed that Park Yoon Hwa would be leaving for the army.

It was revealed that the 24-year old Yoon Hwa has opted to join the army sometime this year instead of waiting until he is 29, which is what most male entertainers in the entertainment industry do.

Park Yoon Hwa

The decision was revealed on the 5th where Yoon Hwa wrote a message on T-Max’s fancafe. He regrets that he has to leave the group but this was a decision that he had made with much thought. He also hopes that everyone will continue supporting T-Max and he will return as a better musician in future.

Planet 905 confirmed the news on the 6th and expressed, “The exact time of his enlistment is not yet fixed but it will be this summer. We discussed about it and felt that his enlistment date might affect the new album promotions in May, so it was decided that he will not be involved with the album and leave the group. After his enlistment, we will welcome him back into the group.”

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa Profile

Name : Park Yoon Hwa [박윤화]
Date of birth: January 31, 1985
Height : 175 cm
Weight : 52 kg
Bloodtype: AB
School: Suwon University of Science
Hobby: Playing computer games, collecting accessories
Specialty: Computer programming, graphic design
History: A contestant of , sponsored by Good Entertainment and M.Net

Park Yoon Hwa photos

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Park Yoon Hwa

Watch Park Yoon Hwa feat HyunA (4Minute) in single Last Winter Video here

Shin Min Chul leader of T-Max Profile

20:27 / Comments (0) / by Airlines Stewardess
T-Max Shin Min Chul

Shin Min Chul [신민철] is the leader of Korea Boyband T-Max. He is also the oldest member of the group after the prince Kim Joon.

Shin Min Chul Facts :

- is different.
- loves to be on camera.
- talks a lot.
- has a unique fashion sense.
- has a finger puppet monkey named everererererere. (eh-ve-reh-reh-reh…..)
- first started leaving comments to t-max fans’ posts at the fan cafe.
- likes to leave comments on other members’ journal entries, often threatening them and revealing secrets.

T-Max Shin Min Chul

Shin Min Chul to participate in 2010 KOREA T-MGangwon festa in Fukui, Japan

This coming January 16 an 17 Shin MinChul will be in Japan for the Japanese-Korean Music Festival which will be held in Tokyo and Sapporo.

After the show, he will fly to Thailand for an advertising shoot with his fellow T-Max members Kim Jun and Park Yun Hwa .

T-Max are currently busy preparing for their first full album, which will be released in February.

T-Max Shin Min Chul

T-Max's overexcited band leader Shin Min-chul tripped and fell at Singapore airport

Instead of the usual regal entrace made by pop idols, T-Max's eager beaver band leader Shin Min-chul shows his goofy side when he slipped and fell on his way to meet with fans at the airport.

An overenthusiastic Shin Min-Chul fell down while he was on his way to meet with fans yesterday at Changi Airport. “I was really eager to meet with the fans yesterday after we arrived. I was running towards them and fell down instead!” he laughed sheepishly.

Setting aside the slippery escapades at the airport, with the overwhelming popularity of one member in a band, one would expect jealousy to ensue.

T-Max Shin Min Chul

Since starring in the hit household K-drama series, Boys Over Flowers , Kim Joon, the rapper of Korean boyband T-Max, has catapulted to fame overnight, overshadowing his two fellow T-Max members, Min Chul and Park Yun Hwa.

Speaking to the media at the press conference this afternoon for Seoul’d Out Sundown festival, Min Chul, the group’s leader got up from his seat and pretended to leave the room in mock anger.

T-Max Shin Min Chul

“Well that is quite a common question,” he answered, referring to the Kim Joon’s popularity. “To be honest, we are all humans. Yes, there can be jealousy. But we view this as a form of opportunity for all of us from [Kim Joon’s] success.

We hope for everyone to take us as a team. Don’t take us as individuals. Please watch us as a team together.”

They remained adamant about their cohesiveness as a group, despite performing solo songs in their recent single, Single Collection (Special Collection).

T-Max Shin Min Chul

T-Max's Shin Min Chul "Falls" for Fans

An overenthusiastic Shin Min-Chul fell down while he was on his way to meet with fans yesterday at Changi Airport. “I was really eager to meet with the fans yesterday after we arrived. I was running towards them and fell down instead!” he laughed sheepishly.
Setting aside the slippery escapades, with the overwhelming popularity of one member in a band, one would expect jealousy to ensue.Since starring in the hit household K-drama series, Boys Over Flowers, Kim Joon, the rapper of Korean boyband T-Max, has catapulted to fame overnight, overshadowing his two fellow T-Max members, Min-chul and Park Yun Hwa.

Speaking to the media at the press conference held this afternoon for Seoul’d Out Sundown festival, Min-chul, the group’s leader got up from his seat and pretended to leave the room in mock anger.

T-Max Shin Min Chul

“Well that is quite a common question,” he answered, referring to the Kim Joon’s popularity. “To be honest, we are all humans. Yes, there can be jealousy. But we view this as a form of opportunity for all of us from [Kim Joon's] success.We hope for everyone to take us as a team. Don’t take us as individuals. Please watch us as a team together.”
They remained adamant about their cohesiveness as a group, despite performing solo songs in their recent single, Single Collection (Special Collection).”The intention of our solo songs was to bring out the individual talents and not segregate us. Please be patient and await our upcoming album early next year.”

Known as the Korean version of the popular Japanese boyband w-inds, T-Max will be rocking out on stage tomorrow night with fellow Korean acts at the Sundown festival. It is the first time T-Max would be performing in Singapore.
“It’s going to be really special when we’re onstage. We are going to engage our fans and make it a little more interactive,” the members shared. “Take this as a date between the fans and us. We hope that you would keep your minds open and listen to our songs to get to know us better.”

Cutting to the chase, Min-chul yelped out excitedly, “Let’s party!”

T-Max Shin Min Chul

Shin Min chul sends Lunar New Year's Greeting

T-MAX sends their Lunar New Year’s Greetings!

T-MAX’s Shin Min Chul, Kim Joon, Joo Chan Yang, and Park Han Bi revealed their hanbok photo shots to wish their fans a Happy New Year for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday.

The four members posed respectfully with their hands atop one another, the oldest, Min Chul, dressed in green, ‘pretty boy’ Kim Joon in pink, Chan Yang in yellow, and Han Bi in blue.

T-Max Shin Min Chul

In other pictures, they thanked their fans for supporting them for the past year by bowing sincerely.

T-MAX is participating in KBS2TV’s Lunar New Year special, “Celebrity Marathon“, airing on February 4th, marking the first time the four members ever participated in a variety show together.

T-Max Shin Min Chul

Shin Min Chul Profile :

Name : Shin Min Chul [신민철]
Date of birth: February 5, 1980
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 63 kg
Bloodtype: O
School: Otorohanga College, New Zealand
Hobby: Taking weird pictures, Watching movies
Specialty: Making accessories, Reforming clothes, Surfing
History: Sangdoo, Let's Go To School (상두야 학교 가자) , (별난 여자 별난 남자) , (크러시기어)

Shin Min Chul Photos :

T-Max Shin Min Chul

T-Max Shin Min Chul

T-Max Shin Min Chul

T-Max Shin Min Chul

T-Max Shin Min Chul

Kim Hyung Joon (Kim Joon) T-Max Rapper Profile

19:51 / Comments (0) / by Airlines Stewardess
Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Hyung Joon [김형준] or Kim Joon (김준) is a rapper of Korean Boyband T-Max. Maybe Kim Joon is the famous member of the group as his popularity has risen up while he starred as Song Won Bin in Korea hit drama Boys Over Flowers.

Don't be confuse with the name Kim Hyun Joong, the leader of SS501, and Kim Hyung Joon, youngest member of SS501.

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon Career

Prior to the F4 fame, Kim Joon was already known as a member of K-pop group T-Max, who first debuted in 2007. He is the rapper of the group and also writes the raps himself. Their song entitled "Paradise" was featured in the first edition of the Boys Over Flowers' soundtrack. Other songs of T-Max that were featured in the subsequent editions of the Boys Over Flowers' Original Soundtrack were "Say Yes," "Wish You're My Love","Fight The Bad Feeling," and "Bang Bang Boom." Kim Joon also had a single in the soundtrack entitled "To Empty Out" with Kim Jo Han. He also had his solo song "Jun Be O.K.", written by himself, with Kim Hyun Joong doing a cameo appearance in the MV of the said song.

In addition after Kim Joon's stardom, T-MAX took part of many OST for dramas and movies. From April 2009 to December 2010, Kim Joon was a permanent cast of “Invincible Baseball Team”, a KBS 2TV program which aired during Saturday Challenges and was chosen as MVP for several weeks. Thanks to “Invincible Baseball Team” Joon cultivated friendships with some of Korea's top celebrities among them his idol DJ DOC. On June 2009, he took part on the Mnet variety show "Mnet Scandal", a show where a celebrity will go out with a non-celebrity for a week, on the end Joon decided to not keep dating his partner . Aside from guesting on several variety shows, on July 2009, he took on a theatrical role in the musical Youthful March (젊음의 행진).On November 26, 2009 he tested positive for H1N1; although, he made a speedy recovery his agency was forced to cancel a 2D1N trip to the Philippines for a fanmeeting on the 30th.

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon starred in a mobile drama along side Nao Minamisawa titled Pygmalion’s Love, a joint Korea-Japan production broadcasted on Japanese Mobile TV station BeeTV, which reached #1 mobile drama in Japan and was shown on March 2010. On May 2010, T-MAX had their comeback stage with "Don’t Be Rude" which was also quite popular as a song for the World Cup. "Don’t Be Rude" was the first single from their studio album "Born To The Max". "Words That I Can Say" was the song they promoted as a follow up single, with Korean actors Oh Ji Ho, Yoon So Yi & Kim Joon himself starring in the MV of the song.

He is currently staring on the new KBS2's drama “Homicide Division” where he plays detective ‘Shin Dongjin,’ who specializes in cyber investigations, but has trouble dealing with real-life cases because of his fear of corpses.Upon the sight of one, he’ll habitually faint, much to the criticisms of those he works with, but one of his biggest charms is his ability to make others laugh, even in serious situations.

Kim Joon T-Max

Starting March 2011, Kim Joon will be studying to earn his master’s degree on Global Culture Content at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. A representative of his agency commented, “Kim Joon has taken an interest in spreading Korean culture after he was able to meet with various international fans and after being named as an honorany ambassador of Global Tourism Etiquette. He wants to study the production of Hallyu culture content and its spread on a deeper level.”

His group, T-Max, is currently preparing for their comeback album and entrance to the Japanese market, set for the first half of 2011.

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon to quit T-Max to act full-time

The title says it all: It’s being reported that Kim Joon is capitalizing on his newfound Boys Before Flowers fame to pursue a full-time acting career.

This means he’ll be dropping out of kpop group T-Max, which probably is a good idea since he’s been stretching himself thin trying to keep up with a busy shooting schedule while also promoting his group. Plus, his absence presents difficulties for the other members.

Kim Joon T-Max

I say, good for everyone involved. I was skeptical of Kim Joon’s casting initially, since he’d never acted before, but while his character remains on the sidelines of the story, he comes across as a natural. He has potential and screen presence. Plus, T-Max is still a relatively new group (they debuted with a single album in 2007), so this is as good a time as any for them to part ways.

With Kim Joon’s profile skyrocketing (I’d bet higher than even he’d expected), he (like the rest of the cast) is already fielding offers for a follow-up project. According to his rep, Kim is carefully considering his next step, preferring to pick a role that will take him to the next level as an actor. (For example, he’s an enthusiastic fan of arthouse director Kim Ki-duk (Coast Guard, 3 Iron) and would dearly love to work with him, for free if necessary.)

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon new drama Serious Crime Squad

It’s been announced that a charming singer-turn-actor T-Max’s Kim Joon (Boys Over Flowers) will return to play on the small screen by joining the cast of upcoming action-investigation drama tentatively titled ‘Crime Squad’.

In the drama, he will take the role of Shin Dong Jin who is a cowardly cop, specializing in cyber-crime investigation. He’s described as a fearful character who can’t stand looking of corpses. He will habitually faint in the field once he sees it, leading him to receive criticisms from his colleagues.

‘Crime Squad’ starring Kim Seung Woo (IRIS), Song Il Gook (Jumong, A Man Called God), Sun Woo Sun (Will it Snow at Christmas?), and Park Sun Young (Sons of Sol Pharmacy House, Winter Bird), will revolve around detectives with different personalities investigating various crime cases with their own methods.

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon Accepted to Graduate School

T-MAX’s Kim Joon was recently accepted to graduate school at the Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies.

The idol was accepted to the academy without any celebrity royalties. Because he missed so many classes while filming for ‘Boys Before Flowers,’ he transferred to the Cyber Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies for Japanese. He is now looking forward to his graduation within the next year or so.

Kim Joon T-Max

T-MAX’s management company stated, “We feel proud of Kim Joon, as he spread knowledge of the Korean language to his fans through his activities in various foreign countries. He said that he wants to further study the Korean culture and contents in depth.”

Kim Joon will begin studying at the Hankuk Academy of Foreign Sciences in March 2011 in the global culture and contents department. Meanwhile, the idol group that he is a member of, T-MAX, is currently busy with preparations for a new upcoming album.

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon Profile :

Name : Kim Hyung Joon (김형준)
Other Name : Kim Joon (김준)
Birthday: Feb.3,1984
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Star sign: Aquarius
Blood type: O
Hobbies: Online games, basketball, baseball, reading
Nickname: Mr. Bean, luxury brain, Prince song
Family: Father(former model) Mother & Older Sister(script writer)
School: Hangook University for foreigners, chemistry major
Hobby: Playing on-line games, basketball
Specialty: Snowboarding
History: +appearance on M.Net KKot Mi Nam Teuk Gong Dae [꽃미남 특공대] +appearance on MBC [PD수첩] +Co-starring as F4′s Song Woo Bin(송우빈) in 꽃보다 남자(Boys Over Flower), the korean version of Hana Yori Dango.

Kim Joon Photos :

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon T-Max

Kim Joon T-Max

Watch T-Max Kim Joon solo - Jun Be O.K (Feat. Kim Hyun Joong) Video here

T-Max Korean Band Profile and Members

07:55 / Comments (0) / by Airlines Stewardess

T-Max (티맥스) is a Korea Boy Band under Two-step Entertainment. It is supposed to be the South Korean version of Japanese group Arashi. Members consist of 3 vocalists and a main rapper, who are Shin Minchul (vocalist), Kim Joon or Kim Hyung Joon (rapper), Hanbi and Chanyang who joined T-Max in 2010. Their former member: Park Yunhwa (vocalist).

The name T-Max suddenly risen up after the sang a soundtrack for Korean hits drama "Boys Over Flowers". One of their member, Kim Hyung Joon also starred in the drama as Song Woo Bin.


T-max released their first full album “Born to the Max” in 2010 as a 4 member group.

They have also released 5 singles, and have contributed to the Boys Over Flowers and God of Study OSTs. Singles include: Blooming (July 2007), Lion Heart (November 2007), Run to You (December 2008), Single Collection (July 2009), Love Parade (September 2009).


They have often been called the “Korean w-inds.” (comparing them to the Japanese pop group w-inds.), due to their trio nature and musical style, which many note, has a certain Japanese flavour.


T-Max Debut

The 3-guy group, made up of Shin Min-chul, Park Yoon-ha and Kim Hyung-joon, was formed based on the idea of maximum, perfect harmony, as its name suggests. Their debut song is a J-pop style dance track about the moment that new love blooms.

T.max debuted in June 2007 with single Blooming. This single release also came with songs "Bang Bang Boom!" and "Cavity". Their debut track "Blooming" is a light and airy mid-tempo dance number that fits right in the summer mood. Even before their debut, T.max attracted attention for having a different look and style than other South Korean boy bands.

Many know T-MAX as the group who filmed themselves dancing to Arashi's "Love So Sweet" and gave it as a gift to their producer.


T-Max name meaning

The name T-Max comes from the first letter of triple and trinity, the words that mean perfect balance and harmony, and “maximize,” which implies that they will maximize their talents and abilities. The trio is composed of Shin Min-cheol, noted for his exception songwriting talent, Kim Jun, who plays Song Woo-bin in a new KBS drama, “Boys Over Flower,” and Park Yun-hwa, a talented musician in his own right. Their latest album contains pieces that best represent the versatility of these three promising musicians, covering a wide range of genres from trendy pop to funky rock dance. Title song “I Love You” from their latest album will also be featured in the teaser video for the film “Pitiable City” due out in early 2009.


T-Max Nowadays

As of now T-Max (티맥스) make a special comeback with new members: Park Hanbi and Joo Chanyang. T-max released their first full album "Born to the Max" in 2010 as a 4 member group. They have also released 5 singles, and have contributed to the Boys Over Flowers and God of Study OSTs. Singles include Blooming (July 2007), Lion Heart (November 2007), Run to You (December 2008), Single Collection (July 2009), Love Parade (September 2009).


T-Max Individual facts:

Member Kim Joon starred as a member of the F4 in the Korean drama “Boys Over Flowers” (꽃보다 남자). In addition, T-max added to their OST collection in late 2008 by singing the main theme for the drama.

Park Yunhwa was known for participating in “Battle Shinhwa”, a show that centered around popular idol band Shinhwa searching and selecting members to create a new boyband.

Recently, Yunhwa was featured in “Mak Ban Shi” or “Maknae Rebellion” a show designed to bring popular idol group maknaes (ie. youngest member) out in the light. Currently he’s serving in army (year 2010)


T-Max Discography

T-Max Single

T-Max First single Blooming
T-Max Blooming
[Single] Blooming
Release date: 2007.07.27
Bitrate: 192Kbps [MF]

01. Blooming
02. 충치
03. Bang Bang Boom!
04. Blooming (Mr)

T-Max Second single Lion Heart
T-Max Lionheart
[Single] Lion Heart
Release date: 2007.11.30
Bitrate: 192Kbps [MF]

01. Lion Heart
02. Open Up My Heart
03. Lion Heart (Inst.)

T-Max Third single Run To You
T-Max Run To You
[Single] Run To You
Release date: 2008.12.29
Bitrate: 320Kbps [MF]

01. 널 사랑해
02. Lion Heart (Winter Romance Ver.)
03. 널 사랑해 (Core Mix Ver.)
04. Blooming

T-Max Forth single Love Parade
T-Max Love Parade
[Single] Love Parade
Release date: 2009.09.03
Bitrate: 320Kbps [MF]

01. 원해
02. 원해(Inst.)

T-Max Collection

[Single] Single Collection
T-Max Single Collection
Release date: 2009.07.09
Bitrate: 320Kbps [MF]

01. 준비 O.K (Jun Be O.K) (김준 Solo)
02. 왜 그랬어 feat. 김준
03. 눈물이 말라 (박윤화 Solo)

T-Max Ost

T-Max Ost Boys Over Flowers
T-Max Ost Boys Before Flowers
[O.S.T] Boys Over Flowers
Release date: 2009.01.08
Bitrate: 320Kbps

01. 파라다이스(꽃보다 남자OST 메인 테마) - T-Max
13. Opening Title (파라다이스 intro) - T-Max

T-Max Ost Boys Over Flowers Part 2
T-Max Ost Boys Before Flowers Part 2
[O.S.T] Boys Over Flowers Part 2
Release date: 2009.03.06
Bitrate: 320Kbps

01. Say Yes - T-MAX
02. Wish Ur My Love - T-MAX & J

T-Max Ost God Of Study
T-Max God of Study Ost
[Album] 공부의 신 (God Of Study) OST
Release date: 2010.01.14
Bitrate: 320Kbps

01. 한번쯤은 - T-Max

T-Max Album

T-Max first album Born to the Max
T-Max Born to the Max
Album : Born to the Max
Release Date : 2010.06.03

01. Born to the MAX (Intro)
02. 해줄 수 있는 말 (Can Do For Me)
03. 까불지마 타이틀 (Don't Be Rude)
04. 마리 (Marie)
05. 심장이 열 번 뛰기 전에 (10 Times Your Heart Before You Run)
06. 하나가 될 수 있게 (interlude) (It Will Be One (interlude))
07. Say My Name
08. 가자GO (Let's Go)
09. 이런 놈이야 (This Guy)
10. 나쁜 널 (Bad You)
11. Romantic Blues
12. 고백합니다 (I Confess)
13. 원해 (Rockin'Beats Mix) (Wish)


T-Max Profile and Members :

Kim Joon/Kim Hyung Joon
T-Max Kim Hyung Joon
Name : Kim Joon/Kim Hyung Joon [김형준]
Date of birth: February 3, 1984
Height : 183 cm
Weight : 65 kg
Bloodtype: O
School: Hangook University for foreigners, chemistry major
Hobby: Playing on-line games, basketball
Specialty: Snowboarding
History: +appearance on M.Net KKot Mi Nam Teuk Gong Dae [꽃미남 특공대] +appearance on MBC [PD수첩] +Co-starring as F4′s Song Woo Bin(송우빈) in 꽃보다 남자(Boys Over Flower), the korean version of Hana Yori Dango.

Shin Min Chul
T-Max Shin Min Chul
Name : Shin Min Chul [신민철]
Date of birth: February 5, 1980
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 63 kg
Bloodtype: O
School: Otorohanga College, New Zealand
Hobby: Taking weird pictures, Watching movies
Specialty: Making accessories, Reforming clothes, Surfing
History: , <(별난 여자 별난 남자)>, <(크러시기어)> OST featurings
+Featuring for

Park Yoon Hwa
T-Max Park Yoon Hwa
Name : Park Yoon Hwa [박윤화]
Date of birth: January 31, 1985
Height : 175 cm
Weight : 52 kg
Bloodtype: AB
School: Suwon University of Science
Hobby: Playing computer games, collecting accessories
Specialty: Computer programming, graphic design
History: A contestant of , sponsored by Good Entertainment and M.Net

T-Max New members

Park Han Bi
T-Max Park Han Bi
Name : Park Han Bi
Date of Birth : 3 June 1990
School: Myeong JiJeonMoon University major in Theater.
Drama: Birdie Buddy
-2nd year college student studying theater and video at MyeongJi Specialty School.
-Park HanBi has been training to be a singer for 3 years at a entertainment company and he recently passed the audition to be part of T-Max.

Joo Chan Yang
T-Max Joo Chan Yang

The reason why the loss of 15kg for Joo ChanYang has gained much interests is due to ‘Superstar K’ winner Seo InKook. Seo InKook was recently known to have also lost 15kg for his new album. And Joo ChanYang and Seo Inkook were both strong opponents during ‘SuperStar K’.

Joo ChanYang is known to have great capabilities after training for about 7 years since he was in middle school 3rd year. He has also participated in the chorus recording for hits by idols like 2PM, 2AM and TaeGoon.

T-Max Photos :





Watch T-Max (티맥스) in single Don't Be Rude (까불지마) Musiv Video here

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